Benefits of sleeping on right position

Your sleeping position plays a vital role in deciding the quality of your sleep and the other health conditions. Imperfect way of sleeping is going to create different problems like orthopedic problems, digestive problems, heart problems, and all many problems. Those who lie down on their abdomen stomach usually have a depressive type of personality; they don’t want to face the world and the challenges of life so they sleep in that position. Flat on the back when a person sleeps, in any case, he snores, he has a big belly he is not healthy. The person who sleeps at left side then he is a personality who worries about many things in life.

Benefits of sleeping in right position

Practically a householder personality who has to see the digestion is good, circulation is good, breath is functioning good, and so on. So he is that type of a person. The right side is the place where a person who doesn’t have to worry about anything, who is just releasing all his tensions and worries to the higher reality and sleeps relaxed way. So, this is what the saying goes. Now we have to comprehend how to go about, sleeping on the abdomen should be your ultimate option for sleeping. Lie down on your abdomen for relaxation well that has to be done for 10 mins not more than that. At night sleeping would be wrong when you sleep on your abdomen when you are sleeping throughout at night, your spine is never in its natural alignment in that position.


1) Sleeping on the abdomen creates to intense neck pain and back pain when you lie down on the abdomen. Your lungs cannot expand hence there is always a strain when you are breathing and so when such a person gets up in the morning then he is feeling tired despite sleeping the whole night. Digestion might also get affected in this position.

 2) Sleeping on the back had its advantage as well as disadvantage, pregnant women heavier adults, and very old people should avoid sleeping on the back, it may sometimes aggravate your back pain, people suffering from acid reflux and flatulence should avoid sleeping on the back. Sleeping on the back has a certain advantage too. People suffering from cervical spondylitis, neck pain, stiff upper back should lie down on their back with proper support of the pillow below the head up to the shoulder and this itself would help them to release the pain. Anyway, as far as possible throughout the night person should not sleep at night, you can sleep on the back for 15 mins half an hour. But then the person should always sleep on the sides.

3) Sleeping on sides, amongst all the positions, sleeping on sides is the best position to sleep. Side sleeping helps your body, the left side and right side both the sides are very healthy for your body. According to Ayurveda, sleeping on the left side is the best position for your digestive system to see that your digestion is proper, your absorption assimilation is proper. So, when you are sleeping on your left side your right nostril is functioning. According to yoga and that helps in improvising your digestive capacity so helps in better absorption better assimilation proper nutrition and proper energy.

Automatically it is going to obstruct heartburn and all other digestive problems. In this position, the issue of snoring can be conducted very well. When you are lying down on the left side and a pillow on your head, your head is in a little tilted and sideways position and this is the position that was you cannot snore, you will automatically stop snoring, snoring is a very big problem in couples. Here this would help in good sleep and a good partner along with you.

When people suffer from cold cough sinus asthma and if you feel that your right nostril is blocked then lie down on the left side. It will automatically open your right nostril, this is the best position for pregnant women with knees bent, it enables good blood flow. The fetus to the liver to kidney to heart and uterus. During pregnancy, the belly is growing big and the pressure in the uterus becomes very strong so this helps when you sleep on the left side, it reduces the pressure because of this growing belly.

The spine is S-shaped when this curvature of S increases, people get backache. So when people lie down on the left side, this position helps in the management of backache issues. When the person has back pain person should lie down on the left side. But keep one pillow in between both the thighs and that would still help in liberating the pain. Sleeping position is the best position for people suffering from backache condition, sleeping on your left, the side helps to increase the heat in your body that is the right nostril is going to function.

Now when you are lied down in AC the temperature is cold and when you lie down on the left side that would help you to manage the temperature very nicely without getting hurt by the cold atmosphere. Right side sleeping is the best position to sleep gives you all the benefits that you are getting from the left side sleeping, only in one condition a person should not sleep on the right side and that is after eating your food. After eating food right side position, doesn’t help in better digestion and so first give the body to digest the food so first sleep on the left side and then after 15-20 mins or half an hour you can bend yourself to the right side. That would be the good management of your body.

when your stomach is vacant sleeping on the right side would give you a very good diversion. When a person is sleeping on the right side, his left nostril which is called the moon, cooling the nostril is functioning very well and hence this position helps you in cooling down your body. Good sleep can solve big problems; the person is angry sleep more you will have more control over your mind. When you are in an angry and agitated mood lie down on the right side, on an empty stomach your problem would be handled very well.

Similarly, when the person is constipated, in the morning when you wake up, lie down on the right side, take a few long breaths and you will feel much relief in constipation. You will be able to defecate your bowels very nicely, comprehend this point properly well that on the right side when you have to alleviate things forget things that are the position that you should take and so remember that as a householder. you will be lying down on the left side to see that digestion is properly. Soak is better but then you should sleep on the right side also quite well to give a good relaxation to your body.


Benefits of sleeping in right position

Better hormonal secretions to your body and doing good balances to your body, diverging diseases, diverging problems is possible merely with good sleep. So give importance to good sleep take a proper position of sleep, all the positions lie down on the stomach could be done for 10 – 15 minutes with a purpose. when a person has a lot of gases person digestion is very poor first lie down on your stomach for some time then lie down on your back for spinal disorders, backache, and neck problems that would help you. Lie down on the left side would help you with irritable bowel movements agitation and irritation indigestion.

So, lie down on the left side and lay down on your right side would be for your mind to see that your mind is calm and composed and handles situations properly. So with all that understanding sleep well take a proper position don’t rise problems in your life. So, sleep well and enjoy your life.


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