Ability Meaning


Ability means that we can do something mentally & physically. But every people are not perfect to do anything accurately. Because sometimes we are unable to develop our skills that’s why we face some difficulties when we meet with any works. Increasing our ability is not very tough for us, we need to focus on the ability or skill which we want to eagerly improve. Suppose, suddenly a work appears in front of us but we don’t have any idea or information to complete this work then we fall into a great problem and there is no scope to get away from this work so we have to face this situation no matter how much difficult this work for us. Because the more we will go through in any work, the more ability or skill we will improve. For example, a man who doesn’t have any legs or hands but still wants to raise his head to live in this society with honor although he is physically unable to do any work he wants to work with his residual body part. So, there is no need to fit physically for any work, we can improve our ability with our residual body part. we just require mental strength to enhance our ability or skill.


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